Monday, September 18, 2017

It's A Monday!

Good Morning!

Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Cry Me A River by Justin Timberlake!

   It's a Monday! How are you doing?  I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in here cave this morning but she will up and on the go soon. Any plans for today?

   The coffee is good and a second cup will be enjoyed during my (me) time. Well, Alexa is letting me know that she is still around. Yes, she is on my case already telling me that I have a few tasks to complete on my To Do List.

   Elise and I had a very nice breakfast yesterday at the "Egg Connection". We also went to the movies to see "IT". We loved it having seen the original to compare this one too. It was very, very good with some horror and humor throughout. We recommend this one for sure.

   Well, our suitcases are out and ready to be packed for our trip to Globe and New Mexico. We head for Globe on Wednesday morning.

   Have a good Monday and stay safe.
Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Eddie, how was your birthday?

Jane and Papa John, thanks for the greeting cards.


Jessie said...

Country Granny, thanks for posting to our blog. Enjoy your time with Corey.

Jessie said...

Loraine, che cosa e nuovo?

Loraine said...

Sto preparando per una giornata meravigliosa!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! Are you still freezing desert dwellers? I know that I am. Brrrr! This cold snap is supposed to last a few more days. I have...