Monday, August 14, 2017

Good Night!

Good Night!

How has your day been? It has been a good one here    for Chris and I but not so good for my playmate. She has developed a stomach virus and she is not feeling her best. I went through the same thing a few days ago while we were in San Diego but I pressed on so to spoil the trip for Elise. I am hoping that it will run it's course over the next few days so she can feel better.

Chris enjoyed watching Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. He was glued to the TV because the  Percy Jackson books were one of his favorites.

I am caring for Chris tonight and Elise has hit the sheets to rest and read. I will check on her off and on.

I listened to Professor Cornel West this evening on TV and he talked about the events in Virginia. I was glued to what he had to say and he was spot on. I have always admired brother West since I was in my early twenties. He pulls no punches and he never has.

Once again today I realized that some people in your life smile in your face, give you praises, and yet talk badly about you to others, but will not confront you to your face. I have mentioned this several times before and I guess that these people think that I am stupid, and totally unaware of their bias and discord but I want them to know that I am not. I allow you to think that hoping that they would step up to the plate and confront me so I can let them know who I am and where I come from. Again I may be quiet and easy-going but I am waiting for you to leap so I can put you in your place. I am sure that once I do you will see that this is one (brother) who is wise and who will demand the respect that is due me. So step-up so I can put you where you need to be. I cannot stand two-faced people who don't know who they are  and try to bring me down. Not happening! I am venting because I have seen it again today. Bring it!

With that said have a wonderful evening. Thanks again Prof  West for reminding me of who I am and my upbringing. Praise to my parents without a doubt. Bless them.


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Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, BLACKNESS TEA TIME Mood: Content! Music listening to: The Black Box a Book on CD! Buon Giovedi! Sete Giovedi! ...