Tuesday, August 22, 2017



How are you doing? I hope better than I am about right now. Yes, my DI Hat is on and at a tilt. I am upset with one of Chris's doctors. I placed an order to have his meds refill through the pharmacy and I received a call from the pharmacy stating that the doctor's office refused to send new scripts. There is something really wrong with the office staff there.

I called the doctor's office and I set up a doctor's visit for Chris for this Friday, I hope that the doctor shows up because he didn't the last time we talked to them. Yes, I am in a very bad mood and that is not good at all. This problem has set me back with my tasks and fountain work. It has caused Alexa to get on my case for falling behind. So I told her to get bent! Really I did, but I will have a chat with her again in a little while. Some people just get on my wrong side and when they do that is where I am going to keep you. I am thinking a few choice expletives right now. Not smiling!


Loraine, thanks for posting to the blog today my only high point today so far. I am smiling due to what posted.

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Grazie Mille' Loraine


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, BLACKNESS TEA TIME Mood: Content! Music listening to: The Black Box a Book on CD! Buon Giovedi! Sete Giovedi! ...