Saturday, June 17, 2017



Hey are you starting to cook yet? It is heating up here in the Old Pueblo. I enjoyed my (me) time with my cup of coffee and my lizard watching. I was hoping that a rabbit would run by but not this morning.

I have completed my To Do List except for our meeting up tonight at Mama Louisa's with Loraine and Jim for dinner and afterwards "Wizard". I haven't heard from my girlfriend Loraine about tonight's battle royal. I believe that she knows that she is doomed before we even start to play. Yeah Buddy!

I just set up the Fur-Babies pool in the backyard. Buttercup is looking at  me saying "If you think that I am getting in that you are sadly mistake or are you high or something. We will see who wins this battle of Fur-Babies against the DI. Azalya is peeking around the corner of Chris's house and saying you have got to be kidding. No I am not!


We hope that you are enjoying the day so far? Stay, safe, happy and cool. I may have to demonstrate to the Fur-Babies how the doggie pool works, eh?" No problemi por favor".


1 comment:

Loraine said...

I thought if I was quiet, you would forget to sharpen up your Wizard tactics. No worries - I'll still pounce on you. (At least for hugs.)

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! What is going on around your way on this Sabato so far? Are you heating up like we are here in the valley of Tucson? Mia Mo...