Friday, April 7, 2017



Hey, how are you doing so far on this TGIF? I just finished up my (me) time out on the front porch with the birds and lizards. So relaxing let me tell you.

I have had two cups of coffee and I am good to go. If your child asked you a question would you answer it honestly? Or would you hide things from them? JT, is 30 years old and I would never hide anything from him. He can ask me anything from my present to the past. Anything at all. Everything he has asked I have answered totally and honestly. I believe he needs to know without a doubt all that he can about me so their is no doubt whatsoever. I bring this up due to an very disturbing issue has raised it's ugly head. In my opinion the (SNAFU) is not warranted at all.

I feel the word (family) is misused quite a bit. If family is sacred then why would you keep secrets from you children? If something came to the surface about me and JT became aware of it, I would explain it to him without hesitation so he can form his own opinion or take on the subject. Here again I am not saying that I am a (saint) not by a long shot. I have had my problems and digressions and I will continue to do so as long as I breathe.

Just putting this out there to see what you might think is all. I am a very disciplined person and quiet by nature but don't assume that is a weakness on my part because you will find out that it's not!


Bobby said...

This seems particularly relevant right now. I have recently re-read Jessie's book, "My Family Book". I read it for the first time 2 1/2 years ago. Now, having that additional 2 1/2 years history with him I Have noted 3 things about the man: 1. He never falters! The lessons his parents and life, have taught him are deeply ingrained and he remains true to them. He IS brutally honest. His values and standards are noble and an outsiders opinions are not required nor desired. 2. The military experiences added to an already established perspective on life and though difficult at times, he is a better man for them. 3. He is an extremely loyal family man and friend, and rightfully expects that in return from those who claim to love him. He sees through your "fake", so don't waste his time with that garbage. Jessie is always true to himself! Watch and learn from him. His book is beautifully done, and such a vulnerable piece of literature. Amazingly open. Respectfully written, respectfully presented and like the man, worthy of respect in return.

Jessie said...

Wow, Bobby, thank you so very much for your post. I appreciate it behind measure.

Jessie said...

Loraine,, you have no idea how much that meant to me by coming by to have a sit down with me to discuss a matter that is very dear to me and to others. Thank you for keeping me on the right track. I spoke with Elise after you left on the phone and she is feeling much, much better. I have (tons) of love for you. Thank You!

Jessie said...

Monna, we have been friends for many, many years. Thank you for your response to my question. Hugs!

Jessie said...

Jet, my sister. Thank you for your response to my question. You know the meaning of (family) without a doubt. Hugs!

Jessie said...

Marcie, thank you for your input.

Jessie said...

Tiger, thank you for you input.

Jessie said...

Shoo Shoo, thank you for your input.

Rosie said...

Looks like you have a new


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...