Thursday, April 20, 2017

Good Night!

Good Night!


Was your day a good one? it has been a good one here but very busy. So busy that I didn't complete my To Do Tasks so i had to move two of them forward for tomorrow.

Elise and I went to see the movie "Fate of the Furious". It was very good and loaded with lots of action and comedy.

Elise is still receiving emails and phone calls about her book and that makes her very happy. She has a few copies left and it you would like to purchase one the cost is $20.00 for almost 400 pages of great reading and pictures. So let me know and I will get it to you signed by the author.

I am still working on the pictures from the Book Signing and Reading. I am sure that I will post pictures tomorrow as soon as I complete my To Do List.

Have a restful night and sleep well.
See Ya...Jessie and Elise


Loraine said...

love the Chris and Jayne picture! These are so cool!

Jessie said...

Thanks Loraine. I am really enjoying playing around with the puter, girlfriend.

countrygranny47 said...

Jayne and Chris picture is great.
Love it,,,

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