Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday! Yeah Mon'

Good Morning!

Mood: Content! Relaxed!

Music listening to: Just Kickin' It by A Lighter Shade of Brown!

   It's a Sunday! How are you doing Mon'? I started the day of at 5:00am looking in on Chris and getting him settled for Elise. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be over soon. Any plans for today?

   The coffee is good and we will have a second and a third cup at the "Egg Connection" along with breakfast.

   Elise and I are totally relaxed and feeling good. We enjoyed our trip to Miami and the Bahamas. We have to go on a serious diet because we got our grub on big time. A fantastic trip. I will post more about it after I have finished reviewing the pictures. It is always good to be back at home.

   Again my playmate and I would like to thank Lois, Meg and Drusilla for keeping an eye out for us while we were away. We also like to thank all of the caregivers for being here for Chris as well.

   We are also asking that you continue saying prayers for Shoo and Stu. Stu is still in hospital. I will be visiting Stu this morning after breakfast. Please continue your prayers for Jayne's brother who is out of the hospital and doing much better. Thank you!

   Well, I had better get busy and get the fur-babies fed. Have a great Sunday and stay safe, sound, and happy.

Chat at you later..Herr Jessie und Frau Elise

Dottie, how are you?

Loraine, how are you?

Ross and Denise, what is new in Aussie-Land?

Rosie, what is new in Melbourne?

Herman, how is everyone doing?

Monna, how is everyone doing?

Country Granny, how are you and Bob doing?

Tiger and Ray, have a good trip to GA.


Unknown said...

Doing ok. Not playing keno. Seems I am not on that wave. But enjoying life greatly.

Loraine said...

Can't wait to see the pictures!


Ciao! How is your Humper going so far? It needs to warm up a bit more, eh? Mia Moglie is at her Tai Chi class and after that she will be hit...