Saturday, February 18, 2017

It's The Weekend!

Good Morning!


Mood: Content! Cautious!

Music listening to: My Perogative by Bobby Brown

   It's the Weekend! Sup? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Frau Elise is not in her cave so she will be up and starting her day soon. Any plans for today?

   The coffee just finished brewing and it is so good. A second cup will be had for sure along with a loaded chocolate chip cookie.Maybe!

   It is a windy morning here in Tucson and we are looking for some rain and colder temps over the weekend.

   We are going to have breakfast this morning at "Gus Balones". Bobby is going to join us for this meal. Zack will be here this morning to care for Chris and Jayne will be here this evening.

   My To Do List shows that today is going to be a very busy day. We will be packing up our suitcases and checking out cruise paperwork for the final time.

   We had a very nice dinner at "Cody's Beef and Beans" last night. We were joined by Bobby and Colin. The food was excellent as always and it was good to meet Colin.

    Well, I need to get busy and get this day moving forward. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe, sound, happy and always keep one eye open.

Later..Herr Jessie und Frau Elise

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Thanks Dottie. See you when we get back.


Ciao! How is your Humper going so far? It needs to warm up a bit more, eh? Mia Moglie is at her Tai Chi class and after that she will be hit...