Saturday, February 4, 2017

It's The Weekend!

Good Morning!

Mood: Content! Cautious!

Music listening to: OPP by Naughty By Nature!

   It's the Weekend! Sup? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning but she will be up and on the go soon. Any plans for today?

   The coffee is good and I will have a second cup shortly. It is going to be another nice day here in Tucson. Zack will be here this morning to care for Chris and Jayne will be here this afternoon.

   It is going to be a busy day for me according to my To Do List. My To Do List also informs me that Elise is going to be busy today as well. We have to get things done so we will not miss a moment of the Superbowl. A huge bet has been made and it requires our attention to be at the maximum. Smile!

   We had a nice evening at "Cody's Beef and Bean" last night. We were joined by Bobby, John and Elaine. The food was as good as ever and the place was packed with people waiting to be seated.

   Hopefully I can get in another power nap this morning before I tackle my To Do List. Have a good weekend and go Patriots!

Cheers....Jessie and Elise

Loraine, how are you?

Jane, how are you?

Sheila, what is going on in Douglas? Come on down Do Drop Inn room #2 is ready for you.

Dottie are you ready for some Keno?


Unknown said...

Working on it.

Cheela said...

I am hoping to be there next Saturday!!!


Ciao! How is your Humper going so far? It needs to warm up a bit more, eh? Mia Moglie is at her Tai Chi class and after that she will be hit...