Tuesday, July 19, 2016



How are you doing? I am doing I guess. I just got back from running my errands that took a lot longer than I had planned for, but I finally got it done.

Now I can get my suitcase packed once my shorty returns and we decided on what and how much to pack for Vegas. I do know one things is that I am starving big time. I must do something about that post haste!

Hey, it is getting cloudy out and we may see some of the wet stuff today. Hope so.

Chat at you later.


Unknown said...

Hope you have a very profitable time. Good luck!

Jessie said...

Hope so Dottie. Thank you. You behave until we get back.


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...