Monday, July 4, 2016

Good Night

Good Night!

How are you? How did your day end? It is still a bit warm here in Tucson and the skies are blue with some clouds.

Chris and I enjoyed watching the Twilight Zone Marathon this afternoon. It brought back many childhood memories for me. Elise and I also played a few "Wii" games as well.

My playmate prepared chicken, potato salad, and baked beans for dinner. It was so delicious. We got it down with a few Jamaican Rum and Cokes. I have  to tell  you that the  four cocktails that I had has got me feeling a little (frisky). Yeah Mon'. WooHoo!

I want to thank everyone for all of the prayers for my sister's  husband Ray. He is resting from his surgery and he may come home tomorrow. My sister Tiger kept us informed. Now she is at home and I am sure that she is exhausted. Many thanks to the "Great Spirit".

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is in her office on her desktop. Have a peaceful evening.
Ciao....Jessie and Elise

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