Monday, May 2, 2011

It's Monday Again!

Good Morning

Mood: Happy

Music listening to: Cisco Kid by War (classic R&B)

Monday again! How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is still guiding ships into port this morning, but as soon as the fog clears she will be starting her day. Any plans for today?

Well, the Tucson Women's Concert was very good. They sung a variety of songs and the audience participation was very good. I sat through the rehearsal and you could tell the difference between the rehearsal and the presentation. The did a great job. You go Elise!

After the concert members of the group met up at Desert Diamond Casino to have dinner. Elise and I had the prime rib special, mashed potatoes, and veggies. Elise had two Boardrooms and I had two Mojitos. Excellent! We also had a very nice cake for dessert as well.

After dinner we went into the casino to play a few slots. Well, we had a very good time in there. We spent around $200.00 between us and we won the $200.00 back plus $1000.00 more. Now that is a good night, eh? We collected our cash and we returned home, in a hurry, smile. What a great weekend this has been.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a great day and be careful out there.

Tiger Marcie, Jet, have a good one.

Ross,how is the weather today?

Shoo Shoo, have a great day.

Loraine, what are you up to?

Sheila, have a great day and a wonderful week.

Monna, how are things?

Reminder: 14 May 11 The Tucson Women's Chorus will be giving a performance at the Berger Center. If you can make please do you will be totally entertained.

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Thanks for the video. It was great! Sounds like you had a great night at the casino! Does that $ go into a fund for further fun at the casino? That's what Jim does with all his poker winnings.

Buon Pomeriggio!

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