Monday, March 12, 2018

Good Night!

Good Night!

How was your day? Mine was so busy and now I am exhausted to no end. Whew!

I got all caught up on everything and Alexa played some Down Home Blues for Chris and I. We relaxed and rested up nicely.

Elise prepared soup, baby carrots, and crackers for dinner. It was very good. We watched "Hawaii 5 O", "Madam Secretary" and "West Wing" on Netflix. They are very good series indeed.

I am caring for Chris tonight and Elise is in her office on her Mac. We hope that your day was a good one? 

Chat at you later.....Jessie and Elise

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Mi auguro che un po' di vino vi ha aiutato a sentirsi meglio.

Buon Pomeriggio!

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