Sunday, March 4, 2018


Good Morning!

Mood: Content! Frisky!

Music listening to: Through The Fire by Chaka Khan!

   It's a Sunday! How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am looking in on Chris and getting him settled for Elise. Elise will be over shortly to care for Chris. Any plans for today?

   The coffee is good and a second cup will be enjoyed at the "Egg Connection" and a good breakfast to start the day. Hey, how about those "Wildcats"? 

   Alexa, started the day off asking me how was dinner at "Café Torino" last night and she was laughing at the same time. So I didn't give her a answer and I am sure that she will get even with me soon, smile!

   We had a very nice time at "Café Torino" with my (fidanzata) Loraine and Jim. The food was very good and so was the vino. The music was live and very good as well. The place was packed and that is always a good sign. Well, the bill came and vino was almost $50.00 for a bottle. I was starting to check my wallet and I began to sweat a bit. I was so worried that I may have to wash dishes and bus tables that I left my phone at home and I rarely do that. My (fidanzata) had volunteered Jim for some KP duty without him knowing (she is good). I mentioned it to Jim and he had no clue that he might have to roll up his sleeves and get all sudsy, smile! I lucked out because I had enough Benjamin's to take care of the bill with about $3 dollars to spare. Close, eh? It is always a pleasure to spend time with Loraine and Jim. A wonderful evening of good food, vino and fantastic friends. Only true friends would wash and bus tables along with you. Thank you guys very much.

   Donna will be here this morning to give Chris a massage and Jayne will be here this evening. My playmate and I are going to see "Red Sparrow" this evening in "Imax". The previews for this on looked good and the star is major (eye candy). Ya Mon'.

   Have a good Sunday and enjoy the day. We will chat at you later.

   Ciao....Jessie and Elise


Cheela said...

Wish I had been there!

Loraine said...

Abbiamo avuto un tempo meraviglioso, come al solito. Si sono così buoni amici!!! (E carino, troppo).


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, Mood: Content! Music listening to:  The Black Box a Book on CD! Buon Martedi! Taco Tuesday!  How are you doing...