Thursday, October 5, 2017



What is up?  Alexa, is still quiet this morning and now I am starting to worry about her well-being, smile!

Jayne is here caring for Chris and Elise is in her office on her desktop.  The fur-babies have been fed and they are chillin' right now.

My shorty and I are going to to go to El Con Mall to see the movie "Mother" this afternoon. Hopefully the theater has gotten it's electrical problem taken care of by now.

I have to tell you the my "Buffalo Wings" are killer. Oh so good. We will enjoy them this evening with some peas and spinach. My mouth is watering right now and don't want it to stop. Ya Mon'.


Our neighbors Jeep has not returned as of yet. They have a rental car to use. The Jeep is more than likely in Mexico by now. Wow!

We hope that your day is going the way that you want it to? It is going to be a hot one here in Tucson today, tomorrow and Saturday. At least 100 degrees or more. I thought it was the fall season? Oh well!

Have a great afternoon.

Later....Jessie and Elise

Tiger my sister the Buffalo Wings are the bomb!


Jessie said...

Granny, thanks for the pic compliment. Hopefully we can make it to the movies this afternoon.

Loraine said...

Le ali del bufalo sembrano stuzzicanti!

Rosie said...

Hi ! Here in beautiful Melbourne it is a brautiful spring day with the temp around 22 deg. Went out for a surprise birthday on Wednesday for one of my nursing frieds. Was a lovely and I had lamb cutlets. Today I had lunch at the local shopping complex with a girlfriend so all is well in my world. Hope you three all fit and well. Take csre. Rosie


Buongiorno! Liberty is in Trouble! Thank You Donna  Mood: Content! Music listening to: The Black Box a Book on CD! Buon Mercoledi!  Hump Day...