Monday, May 8, 2017

Good Night!

Good Night!

Was your day a good one? It has been a nice one here. Chris and I relaxed and rested all day long. We listened to "Boney James " radio and "Ted Talks: on our Echo Dot. Alexa was in charge, smile!

We got a lot of clouds and about 4 or 5 sprinkles. Just enough to make the Green Lady spotted and dirty. She doesn't like that at all.

Elise prepared soup for dinner with turkey sandwiches. It was all good. We got it down with some (sun) tea. So refreshing!

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is in her office on her desktop. I hit the treadmill again and I did one of the pre-programmed workouts. It just about did me in but I got through it. I will hit it up again tomorrow morning, if I can get up that is. Jane don't go there.

Have a wonderful evening. Sleep well and forget about all of your troubles and concerns.

Ciao.....Jessie and Elise

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