Saturday, March 18, 2017

It's The Weekend!

Good Morning!

Mood: Annoyed!

Music listening to: Every Step I Take by Bobby Brown

  It's the Weekend! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is deep, deep in her cave this morning but she will be on he move soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

  The coffee just finished brewing and my cup is full. I will have another cup a bit later. It is a warm one this morning but next week we are supposed to nose dive into the 70's.

   Speaking of coffee. We received two coffee mugs from my dear friend who lives in New Orleans. They are very nice and we will put them to the test tomorrow. She owns a business in New Orleans and she does fantastic work. Checkout these coffee mugs, eh? So cool!



   Have you been keeping up with the basketball runs to the Final Four? We have and it is the reason we have been rather tired and in need of sleep. Our Wildcats play again today. Go Cats!

   Zack will be here this morning to care for Chris and Jayne will be here this evening. My To Do list is loaded today and it includes loading up the Tacoma will empty boxes to take to a recycle bin that is near by. I also need to wash the Tacoma and make sure she is clean inside. We will be driving the Tacoma to Mexico next week for our stay at the beach at Puerto Penasco!

   Elise and I are going to have dinner this evening at "Cushing Street Bar and Grill" downtown. After dinner we are going to the "Arizona Theater Company" to see "Ring of Fire" the music of Johnny Cash. It should be a good one.

   Well, I had better get busy and get this day moving forward. Have a good weekend and be careful. Hey, a bit of good news. Stu is out of hospital and he is home with Shoo Shoo. Also I was informed last night by my girlfriend Sheila that my favorite pug (Lucy) was ill and that she had to be taken to the vet. She is now on medication and I hope that she will be OK. 

Later...Jessie and Elise

Sheila, how is Lucy today?

1 comment:

countrygranny47 said...

Love the coffee mugs Jessie.
Really nice indeed.
Have a good day as well.


Ciao! How is your Humper going so far? It needs to warm up a bit more, eh? Mia Moglie is at her Tai Chi class and after that she will be hit...