Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Good Night!

Good Night!

What is up? Well, the day is just about over and has been a good one. Hope yours was the same?
Jayne took care of Chris this morning instead of Zack. We are glad that she was here to help us out.

Elise is all packed and I will finish with my packing tonight after I get Chris settled. He is resting right now and watching TV. Elise prepared pancakes for dinner with sausages and eggs. It was very good. We got it down with some coffee. We watched "Rectify" and "Longmire" on Netflix.

Tomorrow we are going to hit the road for Mexico, but first we are going to "Gus Balones" for a hardy breakfast. I will gas up the Tacoma in the morning after we load her up. Jayne will be here caring for Chris along with Marv while we are away.

We are hoping that we get to see the "Wildcat's" play on Thursday. We are looking forward to a good nights sleep tonight so we can be relaxed, refreshed and alert on the road. Have a wonderful evening and sleep well.

See Ya....Jessie and Elise

Ross, that pizza was delicious.

Country Granny, that pizza was oh so good.


Loraine said...

Have a wonderful time south of the border. Take lots of pictures!

jessie said...

Morning Loraine will do.

countrygranny47 said...

Have a really nice time to you both.
Be safe and careful.


Ciao! How is your Humper going so far? It needs to warm up a bit more, eh? Mia Moglie is at her Tai Chi class and after that she will be hit...