Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Good Night!

Good Night!

Did you day go well? Mine was a good one for sure. I got all of my tasks completed and that always makes me happy.

I stretched out on the front porch on one of the loungers. I was totally relaxed and I found myself dozing off every now and again. Didn't quite fall asleep due to traffic going by, birds attacking me, and buzzing insects. It was all good, smile!

I heard from  my nephew who resides in Georgia. He and the family are doing well and the little one will be five years old next month. Time sure does fly by doesn't it?

My playmate prepared homemade waffles and sausages for dinner. We got it down with plenty of coffee. We watched the final episode of "Homeland" on Netflix.

Bobby dropped by for a short visit this afternoon. He relayed something that I take to heart very seriously in a text. It describes me to a (T) and I live by this quote and I always will. Especially it you get on my wrong side because this quote lets you know that something is coming your way sooner of later and you will never know when it will hit you. Here is what Bobby sent to me.

"Uncle , I read a quote today that reminded me of you..especially when you have your Drill Sergeant's hat on...it goes like this:

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me."

I love this quote because like I say I will bring something that you are going to remember. I guarantee it! So if you have done me an injustice or you have  said something without thinking before you speak, Beware! I always have my eyes and ears wide open.

I am caring for Chris this evening and he is giving me a real workout tonight! My shorty is in her office on her desktop.

Have a great evening and enjoy the night. Ponder the above quote if you fall into this category.
Cheers.....Jessie and Elise

Shoo, how is Stu?

Tiger, how are you feeling?

Jet and Red, how are you?

JT, hope that helps you out tomorrow.

Jerome, good to hear from you today.

Country Granny, thanks for posting to our blog. Have a good night!

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Ciao! How is your Humper going so far? It needs to warm up a bit more, eh? Mia Moglie is at her Tai Chi class and after that she will be hit...