Saturday, September 24, 2016



How are you doing? It is a very nice day weatherwise here in Tucson. Sun is out but we do have a some cloud buildup going on. Some rain?

I got all of my errands taken care of and I took the clothes to the drop off point. I will have more to take tomorrow.

I am going to hit the sheets for a bit due to I am not feeling that great right now. Physically I am good, but something is really bothering me at the moment. It started yesterday and it has gotten worse. That being said I am still going to beat my girlfriend Loraine tonight at "Wizard". So Loraine don't wimp out on me.

I am looking forward to our upcoming trip to New York next month. Thanks to my brother Herman who got us some good rates at a Marriott property before the New York trip and after.  Jayne will be caring for Chris while we are in New York. Brooklyn of course.

My playmate is off to run a few errands right now and she said that she is exhausted. On her return she is going to rest up. Bobby is here putting on the finishing touches to Do Drop Inn #1. He is pleased that he met his deadline. Also he will be joining us this evening at "Neo's". Cool.

After Bobby is done I will begin to put clothes back into So Drop Inn room #1. I will also start to take my dress clothes out of the closet to sort and to see what I can donate from there. Well, I am getting a little thirsty so I will grab a glass of lemon/lime water. Ahhhhhh! Molto Bene'


Loraine, girlfriend I am coming for you. Can you feel me?


Bobby said...

Not only did I meet my deadline, but I had 33 minutes to spare! Oh what shall I do with them? Oh yeah, catch up on 33,000 emails. ..Jessie, get some rest and get to feeling better!!

Jessie said...

Hey, Bobby I will be ok. I have to beat my girlfriend Loraine.


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, Mood: Content! Music listening to: The Reunion a Book on CD! Buon Martedi!  Taco Tuesday!  How are you doing? ...