Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Good Afternoon!

Good Afternoon!


How is your Humper going? So far so good here in the valley. I have just about completed all of my To-Do-List for today. I will complete it 100% before I put a whooping on Shoo and Stu at "Mahjong" this evening. I am also formulating a devilish plan to get my girlfriend Loraine in trouble as well when we meet for "Wizard". I am a stinker I know. Smile!

I am resting watching a little TV. I am considering taking a short nap a bit later so I can be at the top of my game tonight. We shall see if that happens. Hope that you are doing OK so far today?

Chat at you a bit later.


Loraine said...

Plan away, my handsome friend. It will be to no avail!

Jessie said...

I am crazy about Loraine she keeps me keen and ready for action that involves a good beat-down. Now if only Shoo Shoo would follow her lead. Wait a minute Shoo has a few tricks up her sleeve as well. Not a problem because I have some "Gruet" for that.
Shoo Shoo knows what I am talking about.


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, Mood: Content! Music listening to: The Reunion a Book on CD! Buon Martedi!  Taco Tuesday!  How are you doing? ...