Sunday, April 17, 2016




Hey what is up? Elise and I enjoyed our breakfast at the "Egg Connection" this morning. Elise resumed caring for Chris when we got back home. Donna is here working on Chris. She will work on Elise this afternoon.

I did some yard work behind Chris's house and I painted some more of the trim on Chris's house. I painted all that I was going to do but my playmate took over for a bit.

I am looking after Chris right now and Elise is on the massage table. The massage therapist and I exchanged hugs this morning and she said that I give the best hugs ever. Hey, I got it like that right playmate? Toot,toot! Smile! I have known Donna for over 20 years and she is a true gem.

After Elise gets off of the massage table she will continue to care for Chris. I will go over to Chris's house and restock his supplies for next week and I will update my to-do-list for next week.

Hey Loraine,(girlfriend) yes that coffee this morning was wonderful. So good I had three cups. Yeah! Well, I had better check on Chris. Have a good afternoon.

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