Friday, April 29, 2016

Happy Birthday To Me!

Good Morning!

Mood: It's All About Me Today!

   Happy Birthday To Me!  How are you doing? I started me day at 12:00am by standing up on my two feet and raising my hands in the air and taking in a deep breath. I thanked my maker for allowing me to see this day and to start another year of my journey in this life.

   I got back into bed and I snuggled up close to my loving wife Elise and I held her tight while she slept. I thanked her for putting up with me and my quirks, habits, and problems for so many years. She keeps me strong and focused and always leads me in the right direction. Love you Elise!

   I also give thanks to my family and friends who are always there for me. I want to thank my brother Herman for making it possible for my playmate and I to travel this country and to stay at some wonderful hotels, inns and suites when we are on a vacation or stay-cation. Love you brother!

   I want to thank all of my girlfriends who sends me emails, texts, phone calls, cards, letters, photos. I also thank you for all of the hugs and kisses that you give because it feels so good to receive them. In my eyes when we hug we become one and that is why when I hug I hold on just a bit longer and tighter. Thank you and I love you all.

  I also spent time this morning in meditation to clear my mind and to relax my soul. I got up 6:00am to post to our blog and my playmate is sound asleep. Today it is all about me and a new beginning. This day marks a milestone in my life and I am changing a few things for the better with the help of my maker, my loving wife, my family and friends.  So here I am today it is all about me.

Have a blessed day! Love you all and thank you.


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