Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Good Night!

Good Night!

The day is almost over so how did yours end? I rested for most of the evening. Elise prepared breakfast for dinner. We had crispy bacon, eggs, toast and a few cocktails to top that off. Yummy!

Elise has hit the sheets to read and I am watching TV. Tomorrow we are taking the fur-babies to Pet Smart to have them bathed and groomed. Saturday we are taking them to have a yearly vet visit and to get their shots update.

I am going to paint some more tomorrow after I get off of the treadmill. Hope that your night is a good one.

Cheers.....Jessie and Elise

Hey, Loraine yes I am putting together my Man-Cave on the south side of Chris's house. Yes,it will be a place were I can meditate daily, escape for awhile, enjoy a good book, some vino (rosso). Of course you and Jane can visit my Man-Cave. Don't forget to bring your flip flops just in case it rains while you are here. WooHoo!

Tiger and Ray, glad that you are back home safe and sound.

Sis, it was so good to hear from you. Keep it up. Anything new in the GA?

Flo, thank for putting together the photo card for me. It is great and I am glad that you like the other pics as well. I am going to send the card to my brother Herman so he can see my work. I owe you a hug or three!

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