Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Good Night!

Good Night!          

Hey, how was your day? Well, we got some rain today and that felt good. I had to strip down and put on my flips flops to run around in it for a short while. The fur-babies joined me until the thunder boomers started and they left me to standing, smile!

I am caring for Chris this evening. Elise has just left for "Trattoria Pina" to meet up with her book club. They have some very good food there. Elise is going to bring me back some spaghetti bolognese". I will be looking forward to it don't you know. Where is that red at?

I rested up today and I got quite a bit of paperwork done, made some letterhead, envelopes, and postcards. Loads of fun!

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a wonderful evening and a better tomorrow.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet enjoy the evening.

Loraine, by chance did you make it out in the rain today?

Jane and John, have a good night.

Mary and Bob, stay safe.

Flo and John, be careful.

Ross and Denise, always good to hear from you.

Marilyn, have a good night.

JT,thanks for the information.


Loraine said...

I was out and about when it rained and couldn't get in the au naturel to enjoy those cool droplets.Darn! Maybe tomorrow.

Jessie said...

Let's hope so.


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...