Friday, October 11, 2013



Well, Chris and I are back at home. His follow-up appointment went very well. He was also very happy and flirty with his favorite nurse.

I just finished making my banana, chocolate and whey smoothie and it is so good and extra, extra thick. Delicious!

We saw the movie "Rush" yesterday and it is very good. Lot's of racing action, drinking, smoking, and plenty of Gin Rummy. Our kind of movie!

Last evening we also played "Mahjongg" here with Bobby. It was a lot of fun. Elise won 2 games, I won 2 games and Bobby won nada.

We are going out to dinner this evening at "Cody's Beef and Beans". It will be Elise and I, Bobby, another couple that Bobby is going to introduce us to, and my date Lila. Elise and I will pick her up at around 5:00pm or so. Angelica will be here caring for Chris. Hey, Lila is sticking to me like glue and it feels rather good, smile!

We are planning on going out the DDC tomorrow evening for dinner buffet and to pull a few slots. I have some perks to pick as well. Cha Ching! Above are a few pics from our trip to the mountains.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a great day.
Cheers.....Jessie and Elise

1 comment:

Loraine said...

What gorgeous pictures! Makes me homesick for the mountains.

Buon Pomeriggio!

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