Monday, January 21, 2013

Good Night!

Good Night!

Another day has come to a close and it has been a fairly good one. How was yours? The weather was very nice today.

Chris and I rested and relaxed. Elise prepared breakfast for dinner. We had pancakes, sausages, and eggs. We downed it all with plenty of coffee.

We watched the movie "Melancholia" and it was a strange movie but you had to keep watching it. The ending was surprising to say the least.

Well, I am not eating anything more until I come back home from my lab appointment tomorrow morning. I will make myself a smoothie so that it will be ready for me to devour when I get back home. I may have to hit Micky D's if I am way too hungry, smile!

Elise is checking her email and I am sure that she will hit the sheets to read afterwards. After I get Chris settled and tucked for the night I will follow suit.

Have a great evening.
Cheers.......Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie,Jet sleep well.

Loraine, where are you?

Jane and John, sleep well.

Shoo and Stu, sleep tight.

Olivia, good to hear from you today.

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Was the weather today great or what!

I've been doing just what your beautiful wife is doing - reading a fine book.


Buon Pomeriggio!

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