Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

Well, the day is almost done. I got a good bill of health this morning from my doctor. He prescribed a cough syrup and a anti-b for my cough. How was your day?

I did some yard work this afternoon. I am really concerned about JT and what is going on with him. He has some sort of dermo problem that is causing hands and feet problems. I hope that he visits his doctor or a doctor here while he is in Tucson. It is a real worry for me.

We received a lovely bouquet of flowers today in remembrance of Mum from a long time friend of mine who lives in Fallen, Nevada. Rory we thank you so very much for your thoughtfulness and kindness.

Well, I had better get back to work with Chris. Have a good night.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good evening.

Rory, thank you so very much for the flowers. You are a dear friend.

JT, take care and go to see a doctor here in Tucson.

Monna, wow thank you so much for the wonderful photos of your wedding and the family.

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