Mood: Content!
Music listening to: A Desirable Residence, a Book on CD!
Buon Domenica! How are you doing? It is a cold, sunny morning here in Tucson. Any plans for today?
The coffee is a good Scandinavian Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed at the "Egg Connection" along with a good breakfast. Alexa is awake and she reminded me that today is "Chefs Day". I asked her to play some music to cook by.
We are still working on new rocks and a new puzzle.
Yes, we will be in the (cucina), smoking up the (cucina) and tossing around pots and pans. My Sous Chef and I will be preparing Spaghetti Ala Bolognese. My Sous will select the proper libation to go with the meal. The Bolognese will be a combination of Ground Italian Sausage and lean Ground Beef. Are you getting hangry? Of course you are.
Well, our dinner at "PF Changs" was very good. We were joined by Capo Jim and Mia Fidanzata. It has been a while since we have been to PF Changs.
After dinner we met back here for the evening's main event. A bout of "Wizard". I have to tell you that my (fidanzata) spanked us all. Mia Moglie presented a wonderful dessert fare from "Nadines Bakery" here in Tucson. A wonderful evening. Thank you Capo Jim and Mia Fidanzata. So good to see you, indeed!
We will be taking Azalya to the groomers this afternoon. I will be taking the (Bellezza Nera) for her weekly car wash and vacuum. She told me that her first routine service is coming up, so I will have to make an appointment at the dealership.
Well, I had better get to it post haste. Have a good Domenica. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.
"Decency is a relative thing".
Cup Cafe, Tucson, AZ
Today's challenge word is (affumicato). I got (affumicato) by my fidanzata. I liked it fidanzata.
Ciao...Jessie and Elise
Buongiorno ragazza. E domenica.
"Il mondo della reala ha i suoi limiti; Il mondo dell' immaginazione e sconfinato".
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Tocca a te al prossimo Wizard Fest.
L'uomo che non ha immaginazione non ha ali.
Muhammad Ali
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