Sunday, November 3, 2024



Mood: Content!

Music listening to:  Gotta Have Faith by George Michaels!

Buon Domenica!  How are you doing? It is a chilly, partly cloudy morning here in Tucson. Hey, looks like we are going to get rained on because I can smell it in the air.  The sad part is I don't have any flip flops, fidanzata, smile!

The coffee is a good Casino Del Sol Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed at the "Egg Connection'" along with a good breakfast.

After we return from breakfast, I will post more about our trip to Wahington and Victoria, BC.

Well, our Wildcats got beaten badly yesterday and so did the Michigan Wolverines. What is going on? Hopefully our Ladycats will redeem us.

We met up with Ron and Nancy last night at "Firebird" up in the foothills for dinner. It was good to see them, and we got caught up on the latest happenings. The food was delicious. Thank you for a wonderful evening out in the "Old Pueblo". Let's do it again soon.



Well, I had better get ready for breakfast. Have a good Domenica. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

We will be meeting up with Bucky and Dena this evening at their home. Yes, a round of "Wizard" will be played for sure.

Today's challenge idiom is (Tutto fa brodo). I am sure that you agree with (Tutto fa brodo) right fidanzata.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 


JT said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. Domenica e qui e potremmo avere un po' pioggia"

"Il pui sprecato dio tutti i giorni e quello senZa risate".

E.E. Cummings

Loraine said...

Sì, tutto fa brodo anche se a volte devo aspettare per vedere cosa c'è di positivo.
"La risata è una vacanza istantanea." - Milton Berle

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...