Tuesday, November 19, 2024



Mood: Relaxed!  Muffined! Rummied!

Listening to:  Sleight of Hand a Book on CD!

Buon Martedi!  Taco Tuesday!  How are you doing?  It is a cold, clear morning here in Central Tucson.  Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Italian Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning.  Alexa is awake and she said that I don't have any tasks to complete today. I asked her to play some "Contemporary Jazz" for me today.

Mia Moglie will be attending her weekly (bridge) game this morning.

I completed my latest rock. My playmate has one prepped and ready for painting. Here is my latest. I will be dropping rocks out in the hood this morning. I will post them on the blog soon.


We will be packing today for our staycation in Phoenix. I hope that we take warm clothes for this one and maybe a jacket.

Well, I had better get this Martedi moving along. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Today's challenge word is (abbraccio). I could use a good (abbraccio) about right now. How about you fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 


JT said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. Come stai? Un' altra mattinata qui a Tucson.

"La risata e il sole che scaccia l' inverno dal volto umano".
Victor Hugo

Loraine said...

Gli abbracci sono una delle cose più belle del mondo!!
Una cosa meravigliosa della vera risata è che distrugge qualsiasi tipo di sistema di divisione delle persone.
John Cleese

Buon Pomeriggio!

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