Thursday, September 26, 2019



Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Now That We Found Love by Heavy D!

  Buon  Giovedi! How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is in her cave this morning but she will be up to start her day soon. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is a good Colombian Blend and a second cup will be enjoyed during my (Me) time out on the front porch. It is a nice morning here in the valley of Tucson.

  I am caring for Chris this morning due to we have no coverage for this morning but Rosemary will be here this evening. Alexa, is awake and she is reminding me that I have a few tasks to complete today.

  My shorty and I went to see the movie "Rambo" Last Blood yesterday and it was good. It was the final Rambo movie so we will say so long to Sly.

  On a good note Sister Jayne is back at home and she is on the road to recovery. Her mom is there with her. Also Jane is back I rehab and hopefully she will come home soon as well.

  Well, I had better get busy. Have a good Giovedi and stay safe. I will have a chin-wag at you later.

   I forgot to mention yesterday that my shorty let out a little secret while she was at the book club. I have several girlfriends in her book club and I do hope that I don't get bum-rushed anytime soon. One of the members asked if anyone had seen the Judy Garland movie starring Renee Zellweger. Well my playmate told them that we were going to see it because I have  a thing for Renee and it is true that I do. When I saw her in "Chicago" I was smitten. I am glad that my shorty knows all of my girlfriends but I know that Renee is way out of my league. To all of my girlfriends I am here and you are here so you do the math, smile! Nothing like ambition right girlfriends? Don't hurt me!

  Ciao...Jessie and Elise


Jessie said...

Hello Rosie, good to hear from you. Glad that you are enjoying the hydro pool. Have a great day.

Jessie said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. Come stai? Sto avendo sogni sulla mia cena Cordon Bleu dal Bistro 44. Era deliziosa!

Loraine said...

Spero che Jayne continui a migliorare. Sono sicuro che tu e Chris la manchi.

Jessie said...

Si, ci manca molto. Scopri davvero quanto qualcuno significhi per te quando sono malati o se ne vanno per un po'. Come quando tu e Capo Jim siete via. Vi siete persi profondamente.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How is your Sabato going so far? It is a busy one for us here in Midtown Tucson. I have been working on my latest rock and ...