Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Buon Pomeriggio

Buon Pomeriggio!

How are you doing? I have to tell you that I have been better, believe that.

Something has come up that has me donning my (DI) hat. It is unbelievable how people treat people, but  when it is within the family this incidence  is unforgivable. Not to worry it is not in our family but in another family. I am fuming right now. 

Chris is resting well and my shorty is out and about. We are going to hit a movie for sure this afternoon when Rosemary arrives.

Hope that your day is going well?

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Ciao! Hey, how is your "Humper" going so far? I slept better than I did the night before, but my sleep is still not the same. I wa...