Tuesday, June 18, 2019




Mood: Content!

Music listening to: You Don't Know My Name by Alicia Keys!

 Buon Martedi! Come Va? I started the day off at 5:00am. I popped up with Elise like a bagel out of a toaster. Any plans for today? Now I want a bagel, smile!

  The coffee is good and a second cup will be downed during my (me) time out on the front porch. Hopefully I will see some people walking and some lizards doing push-ups this morning. Rick will be here to care for Chris this morning. It is another nice morning here in the valley of Tucson.

 Alexa, is awake and she is telling me that I have a very busy day today. I even have to make a trip out to the airbase as well. We will be packing up our suitcases today for our trip to Butte, Montana. We leave early in the morning.

 Well, I had better get to it. Have a good Martedi. I will have  chin-wag at you later. I am waiting to hear from my girlfriend Shoo Shoo and Jayne and from my (fidanzata and Capo Jim). In regards to the upcoming "Mahjong" fest and "Wizard" battle royal. Are they scared? Of course they are. Ya,ya!

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Ross and Denise, how are things in Sydney?

Rosie, how goes it in Melbourne?

Erika, how are you?

Liz, what is new?

JT, I am sure that it is still cooking in Phoenix?

Country Granny and Bob, how are you doing?

Flo, have a good day.


Loraine said...

Spero che tu possa vedere delle lucertole. Mentre sei fuori, puoi sognare (solo sognare) di essere il campione Wizard.

countrygranny47 said...

Bob is doing good so far.
Me its another story. Sorry Jessie.
Going for tests on Monday. Wish me luck.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How is your Sabato going so far? It is a busy one for us here in Midtown Tucson. I have been working on my latest rock and ...