Friday, June 14, 2019




Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Remember by Earth, Wind and Fire!

  Buon Venerdi! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning but she will up and in the go soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

 The coffee is good and it is a nice Colombian Blend. I will enjoy a second cup later during my (me) time on the front porch. Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris and Marv will be here this evening.

 It is going to be another hot one here in the valley of Tucson, but not as hot as the Raptors. Yes, they are the NBA Champs. Wow, what a game last night as a matter of what a great series. I am doing the Happy Dance because I won the bet with my shorty. Can you say "Johnathan's Cork"? That is were I will be celebrating with a good delicious dinner. WooHoo!

 We enjoyed a very nice dinner last night at "Holy Smoking Butts". We were joined by my sister-in-law who spent the night in "Do Drop In" room #2. Due to a (snafu) we didn't meet up with Vicki and crew due to a location change. "Smoking Butts" BBQ is very good and the place was packed with a line waiting to be seated. My sister-in-law enjoyed a nice cold beer with her meal and my playmate and I enjoyed vino rosso. The servings were large and we had to get a take-away box.

 I loaded up the Tacoma yesterday to take items to one of the roll-off locations nearby. My shorty and I may hit up a movie today if time permits.

 We saw the movie "Ma" and it was excellent with some twists and turns that were mind-blowing. We loved it!

 Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a good TGIF! and I will chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

WooHoo! Raptors! We are going to be (grubbing) at Johnathan's Cork with my (fidanzata and Capo Jim) soon!

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Congratulazioni! Sei il grande vincitore. La cena dovrebbe essere fantastica!

Buon Pomeriggio!

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