Thursday, August 23, 2018



How is it going? Well, I have completed my tasks for today and now Alexa is playing some Smooth Jazz for me.

It is very cloudy and we have heard a few thunder boomers. So hopefully we will get some more rain like we got at around 2:00am this morning.

My playmate is on her Mac playing Bridge and Jayne is here caring for Chris. We are going to see "Christopher Robin" this afternoon. Chris's case manager said that it is very good.

I also stopped at "Evergreen Cemetery" a bit a ago to have a tongue wag with my parents. I do this when I am down or just need some advice on how I should handle a situation or concern. I always get an answer from them quickly. I also had a chat with "Chris's" dad as well to see if he was pleased with my care of Elise and Chris. Some may find this non-productive but for me it means a lot. I have to deal with a lot of things to include people who are back-stabbers who smile in your face and at the same time bad mouth you. I always single them out quickly and I deal with them accordingly.

We hope that you are doing OK?


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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...