Tuesday, October 25, 2016



How is it going? It is such a nice day here in the desert of Tucson. Are you staying busy?
I am for sure today.

I have taken care of all of my To Do Tasks, I even got a few more things taken care of for the Mystery Dinner. It is coming along nicely on our part, which is a big part.

Elise is in her office on her desktop. I just returned from driving around looking for photo opts for October's Photo book.

Are you ready for the first game of the World Series. We are and I must say go Cleveland it is going to be a good series.

I am starting to get a headache so I had better get something to eat. It seems like the munchies have returned. Smile.

Stay safe....Jessie


Bobby said...

Jessie, when you have unexpected, but not overwhelming circumstances, that throw you off schedule, how do you reassess your to do list. For example, we had a windstorm in the foothills that created new things to do, but I still have the other routine tasks...I feel I should reset according to priorities as much as possible, and get back on routine as soon as possible. ..correct??

Jessie said...

Hi Bobby,
I move what I missed to the next day. If something comes up that is a priority I add that to that day that it occured. I never delete anything from my To Do Lists, I move it forward but if your lists starts to fill it means that for me that I am not doing he best that I can do.

Bobby said...

Makes sense...so then it becomes not just a matter of to do, but also a matter of time management. ...and, if the to do list is not getting shorter, a matter of speed as well as good management. Got it!! Thanks. .am getting pretty good at lists!!


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...