Tuesday, October 11, 2016



Hey, how goes it? Well, I have been a very, very busy person this morning. I have been sorting out clothes that were on the futon in the computer room. I have been in there for hours and I am beat already.

I have only tackled about half of my To Do List so far. I will continue on until my mission is complete. I tell I need a beer of a whole six pack. Now I don't want Shoo and Stu to get the wrong idea that I will not be fit and ready for our "Mahjong" fest tomorrow night. I will be good and ready and I will have a few cans and bottles to redeem if I get short on cash like my girlfriend Shoo Shoo thinks. Just remember the last time we met for "Mahjong" Yeah Buddy!

I am staving about right now and I am thinking "Blackjack Pizza", but no I will control myself hopefully. Well, I had better get back to my To Do List. Hope that your Tricky Tuesday is going well? Oh yeah Chris's dryer is back to working again after $147.82. That is part of my "Mahjong" money!

See Ya!......Jessie

Sister Mary, good to hear from you today. Sorry to hear about your phone catching a virus.

Olivia, what is for dinner tonight?

P.S. I have downloaded the New York pics so now I will have to look through them before I post them to our blog.

Sheila, looking forward to you weekend stay with us. Can you say Gin and Tonic? I bet you can!

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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...