Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hump Day!

Good Morning!       

Mood: Concerned!

Music listening to: Big Payback by James Brown (classic R&B)

     It's Hump Day! Sup? I started the day off at 4:50am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning, she will be up soon. Any plans for today?

     The coffee is freshly brewed but I cannot have any until after my blood work at the lab this morning. Bummer! My banana, strawberry, pineapple smoothie is in the fridge waiting on me. No whey today because I am out of it, but the smoothie will still be delicious.

     We will be taking the Prius in this morning for a routine service as well. Elise still has a bit of a cough especially at night and her throat is still raw. It is not looking good for her singing on Saturday with the Tucson Women's Chorus.

     It is a nice 60 degrees this morning and we are going to reach 90 degrees today. Can you say air conditioning? Smile!

    Well, I had better get busy. Bobby will be here this afternoon to care for Chris. Have a good day and a better tomorrow.

Prost.......Jessie and Elise

Marcie, Jet have a good day.

Jane and John, stay safe.

Loraine, one wizard, two wizard, three I am doing my bidding exercises. I suggest you do the same.

Flo and John, have a good one.

Shoo and Stu, be careful.

Ross and Denise, have a great day. Enjoy retirement!


Loraine said...

Just give me those trump cards! We'll see who comes out on top of this game. (=:

Jessie said...

Dream on, Loraine. I will have all of the Wizard for sure.


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...