Thursday, April 4, 2013

Good Night!

Good Night!

The day has come to a halt. How was yours? I rested up  a little today and that felt very good. After Rosemary arrived to care for Chris, Elise and I went to see Lois and Lee in there new home. It was good to see them and Lois doing well.

We left Lois and Lee's and we went to the mall to see the movie "The Call" starring Halle Berry. It was very, very good and we would recommend it.

After the movie we picked up Chris's van for the shop. Elise took the van to gas it up because it was on fumes. It took $90.00 to fill it up!

We headed for "Leo's" were we were met by Bobby. The food was great and so was the margaritas. It was a good evening with Bobby.

We got back home and Elise checked her email and she played a video game. She let out a yell because she finally completed the level. She has been trying to defeat this level for weeks. I guess it wore her down because she has hit the sheets to read. 

I am watching TV and working on my book. I will call it a day after Rosemary's shift is finished for the night. I will check on Chris and I will hit the sheets. Have a great evening.
Prost....Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, take care.

Loraine, so you like Elise on the one,eh?

Shoo and Stu, stay safe.

Jane and John, sleep well. Dave is in our prayers.

Flo and John, have a good evening.

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Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...