Monday, August 20, 2012

Good Night!!

Good Night!!

Well, the day has finally come to a close, Whew! It is cloudy right now and we have a wind picking up with a few Thunder boomers. I bet it just passes us by, too bad.

Elise prepared a very nice dinner this evening. We had corn on the cob, baby carrots, salad, and little boiled potatoes. It was very good.

Elise is checking her email and I am caring for Chris. I am glad that things have calmed down since this morning.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a good evening and sleep well.
Later.........Jessie and Elise

Tiger,Marcie, Jet have a good night.

Jane and John, enjoy the DVD. My flip flops are at the ready.

Shoo and Stu,have a good night.

Loraine, let's run in the rain soon, OK?

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Maybe we can tempt the rain gods to give us a real gully-washer!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! What is going on around your way on this Sabato so far? Are you heating up like we are here in the valley of Tucson? Mia Mo...