Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hump Day is Here!

Good Morning

Mood: Concerned

Music listening to: Maria

Hump Day is here! How are you? I started the day off at 5:05am caring for Chris. Elise is still trying to get those clouds to open up. Maybe we will get some rain today. Any plans for today?

The coffee is good and I am thinking about a sausage,egg and and cheese biscuit this morning. Rosemary will be here this afternoon to care for Chris. We will be staying in today and having Mexican for dinner. Tamales, refried beans, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa and of course jalapeno peppers. With Jalapenos you have to have a couple of beers to go along with am I right?

We will continue to watch " The Duchess of Duke Street" on DVD it is a very good BBC series. We will be packing up for a overnight stay-cation at the DDC that we got as a perk. WE will be there tomorrow afternoon sometime. We are also going to check out Casino Del Sol as well to see what it has to offer. We are looking forward to dinner at the DDC, they have the best prime rib and the price is great.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a good Hump Day and have fun out there.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet let's get to humping.

Ross, what is new?

Steph, how are you?

Jane and John, what are you up to?

Mary and Bob, how are things going?

Shirlene, is everything OK? Haven't heard from you in a while.

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