Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

Well we just got back from having dinner at Los Margaritas with Toni, and Lois. It was a good evening and the food was great. Elise, Toni and I had two Margaritas apiece and the were great and well made.

Rosemary is caring for Chris this evening. We got a very good soaking this evening and we watched it come down while we were eating dinner. We went to the movies this afternoon and we saw " Midnight In Paris" it was very good and the camera work was excellent.

It is suppose to rain a bit more this evening and that is a good thing. Elise is reading a book and I am watching TV. I will check on Chris after Rosemary leaves for the night. Have a great evening and enjoy.


Tiger, Marcie sleep well.

Jane and John, how was the movie?

Shoo Shoo, have a good night.

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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How are you doing so far on this Domenica? Hey, the wind is starting to pick up. What is up with that? We have some snow on...