Good Night
Well we just got back from having dinner at Los Margaritas with Toni, and Lois. It was a good evening and the food was great. Elise, Toni and I had two Margaritas apiece and the were great and well made.
Rosemary is caring for Chris this evening. We got a very good soaking this evening and we watched it come down while we were eating dinner. We went to the movies this afternoon and we saw " Midnight In Paris" it was very good and the camera work was excellent.
It is suppose to rain a bit more this evening and that is a good thing. Elise is reading a book and I am watching TV. I will check on Chris after Rosemary leaves for the night. Have a great evening and enjoy.
Tiger, Marcie sleep well.
Jane and John, how was the movie?
Shoo Shoo, have a good night.
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