Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Morning

Good Morning,

Mood: Content

Music listening to: Solid by Ashford and Simpson

How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am looking in on Chris. Elise is still in the land of dreams but she will be up shortly to care for Chris. The coffee is good and I am thinking about a mini sweet roll that Elise got for me yesterday. Any plans for today?

We are going to go to The Egg Connection this morning for breakfast and we may go to the movies later this evening. I am going to be spending the day trying to wrap a project that I am working on.

We watched another DVD of The Duchess of Duke Street last night and it was very good. We even got a few drops of rain last night and I hope that we get more today. The above pics are of our new Yellow Labrador named Buttercup. We want to thank everyone for your kind words about our loss of our beloved Porkchop, he will be missed.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a great Sunday and a wonderful upcoming week.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet wake up sisters.

Sheila glad to hear that you enjoyed you cruise, sounds like you had a great time.

Liz, enjoy you Sunday and stay safe.

Rosie, you are on a roll,I love it.

Shirlene, always good to hear from you.

Shoo Shoo and Stu, great photo of you guys in Victoria, thanks!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's The Weekend!

Good Morning

Mood: Saddened

Music listening to: Creep by TLC

It's the weekend. How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am looking in on Chris and getting him settled for Elise. Elise will be caring for Chris as soon as she returns from the pool. Any plans for today?

We had a very nice yet restful stay-cation at the DDC. I was just for an overnight and we used our perks. We went over to the Casino Del Sol to compare it to the DDC. We liked it there and the vent system is very good, but we like our DDC the best. We even won a few greenbacks on this stay-cation, and my favorite slot was not a good friend this time, but we had a lot of fun.

We had a great prime rib dinner at the DDC and I must say it was delicious. We got the dinner down with a glass of Merlot. We used one of our perks to pay for most of the dinner. We love those perks. Overall it was a great stay-cation. Last night we had dinner at Cody's Beef and Bean and the T-bones are always good there and so is the Burgundy wine.

Today we will be home bound and we will watch another DVD of "The Duchess of Duke Street". We are going to grill some juicy-lucy burgers for dinner and we will have tater tots to go along with it. The sad note is that just before we got ready to leave for the DDC our Min-Pin had a stroke and a seizure sometime during the morning. We found him under the wood pile shelf barely hanging on to life. We took him to have him put down. Porkchop will be missed by all who knew him. Yesterday we went and we bought a Yellow Labrador, she is two years old and so far she is getting along with Lampchop. Porkchop was 13 years old.

Well, I had better check on Chris. Have a good weekend and enjoy.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good day.

Ross, always good to hear from you. I believe that couple got what they deserved.

Shoo Shoo and Stu, glad that you had a good time in Seattle and Victoria.

Mary and Bob, thank you for the wonderful tags.

Herman, glad to hear that you and Donna had a great time in Branson.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thirsty Thursday!

Good Morning

Mood: Content

Music listening to: Cadillac Slim by Rick Braum

How are you this morning? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is still trying to get those clouds to produce but she is having no luck at all. So she decided to hit the pool this morning to cool off. Any plans for today?

Angelica will be here this morning to care for Chris. We are all packed and ready to start our stay-cation at the DDC. We will be there sometime this afternoon. I am thinking prime rib for dinner this evening, they have a very good prime rib special at the DDC. We are also going to checkout the Casino Del Sol as well on this stay-cation.

We will have our laptop with us to play games and to check emails. Have a great day and be careful.


Tiger,Marcie, Jet have a good day.

Jane and John,are prayers will be continuous for you upcoming procedure.

Shoo Shoo and Stu, how was your trip to Seattle?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hump Day is Here!

Good Morning

Mood: Concerned

Music listening to: Maria

Hump Day is here! How are you? I started the day off at 5:05am caring for Chris. Elise is still trying to get those clouds to open up. Maybe we will get some rain today. Any plans for today?

The coffee is good and I am thinking about a sausage,egg and and cheese biscuit this morning. Rosemary will be here this afternoon to care for Chris. We will be staying in today and having Mexican for dinner. Tamales, refried beans, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa and of course jalapeno peppers. With Jalapenos you have to have a couple of beers to go along with am I right?

We will continue to watch " The Duchess of Duke Street" on DVD it is a very good BBC series. We will be packing up for a overnight stay-cation at the DDC that we got as a perk. WE will be there tomorrow afternoon sometime. We are also going to check out Casino Del Sol as well to see what it has to offer. We are looking forward to dinner at the DDC, they have the best prime rib and the price is great.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a good Hump Day and have fun out there.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet let's get to humping.

Ross, what is new?

Steph, how are you?

Jane and John, what are you up to?

Mary and Bob, how are things going?

Shirlene, is everything OK? Haven't heard from you in a while.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

How was your day? I got some much needed rest today and I really needed it. Well no rain at all today, but lots of clouds. Chris's doctor visit was a good one, he is doing just fine. Elise prepared homemade waffles for dinner with sausages, and hot coffee.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is checking her email and she is going to play Bejeweled 3. I do believe that she is hooked on it, smile. Normally I would have made a trip out to the DDC today but I will wait until Thursday to do that. Elise going to go with me and we may even pay a visit to Casino Del Sol to check it out.

Well, I had better get to work with Chris and give him a Bio-Touch session. We hope that your day was a good one?


Tiger, Marcie,Jet sleep well.


Good Morning

Mood: Annoyed

Music listening to: Creep by TLC

How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is still in the clouds trying to shake up some rain this morning. Any plans for today? The coffee is good and hot this morning and I added some extra grounds to give me that kick that I need this morning.

It is a little cloudy out this morning but I can see blue sky making it's way through. So it looks like another dry day here in central Tucson. Angelica will be here this morning to care for Chris. Elise and I will be taking Chris to a routine doctor's appointment this afternoon. Other than than having to run one errand that is about it for today.

I had better get to it. Have a good day and stay safe,happy and send some rain our way.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet let's get busy.

Susie, how are things in your neck of the woods?

Olivia, how are things in Georgia?

Shirlene,have a great day.

Jane and John, what is new?

Steph, how are you feeling this morning?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

Another day and no rain. Plenty of clouds and a bit of a wind but not a drop. How was your day? Chris is doing well, and I went though a session of Bio-Touch with him today. He will get used to it as we go along on a daily basis. He really enjoyed the touch on his head and face area a lot.

Elise prepared a good dinner this evening. We had corn on the cob, green peppers, small potatoes, cottage cheese, tomatoes and a fruit drink to wash it all down. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at the Forum with friends.

It has been a typical Monday and things could have gone a bit better than they did. Well, I hope that the rain starts back up real soon. Have a great evening and enjoy!


Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

JT, you need to contact me now.

Liz, I am glad to know that you are familiar with my famous Tuna Dip.

Ross, how is everyone doing?

Jerome and Keshia thank you so very much for your input for my book. I really do appreciate it.

Monna, how are things? Enjoy your vacation.

Sheila, how are things going in Douglas?

Erika, have a good night.

Kecia, looking forward to hearing about what you thought of the Bio-Touch session.

Monday! Yikes!

Good Morning

Mood: Rested

Music listening to: Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone by Bill Withers

Yikes it's Monday! We are cooking here in the desert of Tucson. We really do need more drain. We got a few drops yesterday and we have many clouds in the sky but they are just there so far.

Well, as promised here is what took place at the Westin La Paloma Resort on our stay-cation. We had a fantastic time..........


We left home at around 12:20pm after Rosemary arrived to care for Chris. Rosemary will be taking Chris to Chucky Cheese on 21-Jul-11, he is going to really enjoy that.

We checked into the resort and we noticed something was missing. Yes, we left home without my famous Tuna Dip, so we had to go back down the hill to our house to pick it up. My Tuna Dip is just that good, smile! We returned to the resort and we began to chow down on the dip with Frito's and lots and lots of Jack and Coke. We played computer games for the rest of the evening and the laptop was acting funny but it got it's act together after a few games. We called it a night at 8:30pm. It was thundering and lightening big time but did it drain? Not a drop.


We go up at 8:00am and we got a text from Rosemary letting us know that it had rained big time at the house lat night. We started the day off at the swimming pool an the jacuzzi. Elise did about 100 or laps and I took pictures and I finally got into the pool to cool off. The pool area is very nice with several pools We were in the adult only pool area. The kids pool was not too far away and the slide area was very nice.

We got cleaned up and dressed and we went downstairs to breakfast at Azul. Elise had oatmeal with bananas, and raisins. I had a Mediterranean Skillet. It consisted of cheese, eggs, sliced potatoes, tomatoes,and chorizo. I also ordered a side of spicy links sausages that were great. We had plenty of hot coffee to get it all down with.

After breakfast we stopped at the gift shop and we looked around and we bought two tee-shirts, earrings and a bottle of (Ass Kickin Hot Sauce). I haven't tried it yet but rest assured we will. We returned to our room and we watched a little TV and we did crossword puzzles. Of course we consumed a few more Jack's.

We left for dinner at around 5:30pm. We went to "Jasper's" a tapas eatery. The food was excellent and they even had a live jazz band who were very good. We got a bottle of vino from Italy fro $22 dollars and it was great. We choose our tapas and this is what we ordered. Pork Adobado, Red Chile filled with cheese,and meat, Calamari, and a dish with beef, fish and shrimp. It was all good! For dessert we shared a drink made with Bailey's, Kahlua,Vodka and chocolate and cream. It was rich and very good.

We returned to our room and we played more games on the laptop, and we had more Jack's. It was about 10:30pm and we could not see anymore so we called it a night.


We were awakened this morning by the room above us. They must have lead feet or something. I got up and I took a shower. Elise was still trying to catch a few more zzzzz's. I finished my shower and Elise asked me if I heard the noise coming from upstairs again but I didn't. Elise said it was the sound of headboard banging and it was really loud and it woke her up. Elise got up and she called the lobby to complain about all of the noise. The desk apologized and they gave us a comp breakfast at the Azul. We also had received a voucher for being Green for declining to have our room cleaned for one day.

We got dressed and we walked along the trails around the resort area. Man was it hot outside, I was soaked in sweat when we returned to our room. We got cleaned up and we when down to the Azul for breakfast that was at no cost to us barely with the comp and voucher. The food was great. Elise got oatmeal again and I got the brandy french toast with a side of bacon.

We returned to our room and we prepared to checkout. We enjoyed our stay at the La Paloma and we may return in the near future. We then went to the Miniature Museum and that was a treat. We went on the airbase to get gas for the Tacoma and to pay a bill. We returned home and we unpacked and then we left to see Harry Potter in 3D. It OK but it was not as good as the previous ones. As a matter of fact I fell asleep watching it. Go figure!

After the movie was over we went to a place called "BJ's" . Elise ordered a gluten free beer and a gluten free pizza. I ordered a blonde beer and a the pork chops. The food was very good and we both ordered a second beer. After dinner we returned home and we officially called our stay-cation over. Above are a few of the pictures that we took. Enjoy!


Sunday, July 24, 2011


Good Morning

Mood: Chill-in

Music listening to: Do Your Thank by Isaac Hayes ( Classic R&B)

It's a Sunday! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am just taking it slow and easy. Elise is still purring this morning but as soon as the coffee fumes hit her she will start her day. Any plans for today?

Chris is doing just fine this morning. Kecia is here caring for Chris this morning. Kecia worked with Chris last night in Rosemary's place and she opted to stay overnight and Chris enjoyed that. I has to go over to replace a G-tube this morning because the one that was inserted was clogged up.

We are going to meet our daughter Kim this morning for breakfast at Teresa's. Later today we are going to go to the movies . Elise fixed a very nice dinner last night. We had spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, bread sticks and plenty of vino to get it all down. We watched another DVD from the BBC series "The Duchess of Duke Street, it is very good and addicting.

I had a fun time at the DDC yesterday but no big winnings to speak of. I will get the info about our stay-cation as soon as I can decide on what pics to include in the posting. Hey we still are hurting for rain. It clouds up and then they disappear. Our monsoon season is on a stay-cation! Have a great day and stay safe.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a great day.

Liz, I will give you more info on my famous tuna dip later.

Ross, have a great day down under.

JT, are you back yet?

Jane and John, have a good one.

Flo and John, can I put the pic of the puppies on our blog?

Joe and Mary what are you up to?

Sis, how are things in the (A)?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

We're Back!!

Good Morning

Mood: Rested

Music listening to: It's A Love Thang

We're Back! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am getting Chris settled. Elise will be caring for him this morning. The coffee is very good this morning and I am hoping for some more rain. Any plans for today?

I am going to go out to the DDC to collect our perks so wish me luck, OK? We are going to be homebodies today for the most part. We had a fantastic time at the Westin La Paloma Resort here in Tucson. I will give more info on that with pics that we took there and at Jasper's restaurant and at the Tucson Miniature Museum as well.

Well, I had better get back to check on Chris before I head out the the DDC. Have a great weekend and stay safe.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet let's get cracking.

Ross,how are things?

Jane and John, what are you up to?

Flo and John, how are you?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hump Day!!

Good Morning

Mood: Relaxed

Music listening to: Holiday by Madonna

It's Hump Day! How are you doing? I started the day off at 4:30am caring for Chris. Elise is still in the clouds this morning and they look like rain clouds. As soon as a thunder boomer sounds she will start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is great and I am thinking about scrambled eggs with cheese. We may get some more rain today and that would be nice. Well, we are all packed and ready to head out on our stay-cation to the Westin La Paloma Resort here in Tucson. We will be taking photos, and we will have our laptop along on this stay-cation.

Rosemary will be here this afternoon to care for Chris, and Angelica will be here on Friday to take over from Rosemary. I plan on relaxing and working on my book, an maybe taking in the Harry Potter movie. I am sure that Elise will be looking at the pool while we are there and I may join her.

Well, I had better get to work with Chris. Have a great Hump Day and relax,enjoy and stay safe.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet the alarm clock has sounded.

Jerome, thank you so very much for the pics it made for an emotional morning for me and that is a good thing.

Steph, how are you?

Rosie, have a wonderful day.

Ross,we got it. Rain that is, smile.

Mary and Bob, how are things?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

Well, the day is almost over and still no rain in sight. We were under a severe storm warning but that has expired. We are melting here in Tucson. I got some much needed rest while Angelica was here today. I even got a chance to do some work on my book.

Elise prepared breakfast for dinner this evening.We had homemade pancakes with blueberries, eggs, and sausages. Plenty of hot coffee too! We watched the beginning of the series "The Duchess of Downing Street" it is very good.

I will be fixing my famous tuna dip this evening after I get Chris settled. I will finish packing up of our stay-cation as well. I am going to spend a lot of time working on the book. We are also taking a book on CD to listen to and we are taking our Kindles along for that late night reading.

We hope that your day has been a good one? Well I had better get to it. Have a great evening and a better tomorrow.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Anne, you are just too funny.

Rosie,have a great night.

Ross, we need your rain.


Good Morning

Mood: Chillin'

Music listening to: A Meeting In The Ladies Room

How are you this morning? I started the day off at 4:30am caring for Chris. Elise is still fluffing pillows but she will be up and at it very soon. Any plans for today?

The coffee is good and this blend has a hint of chocolate, nice! It hot already and the temp is 80 degrees. Our monsoon is just not working like we are used to. We need more of the wet stuff for sure.

Angelica will be here this morning to care for Chris. That will free up some time for me to pack for our stay-cation that starts tomorrow afternoon. I will also prepare my world famous tuna dip to take along with us on the stay-cation. I can taste if now, nice and spicy.

I have made up a chart for Bio-Touch and I will begin to use it on Chris next Monday. It should be interesting to see the results of the sessions on him. Well, I had better get busy with Chris and get him settled for Angelica. Have a good day and stay safe.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet what is up?

Ross, please send that rain our way we need it.

Flo and John, thank you so very much for sharing the video with us. It was done very well and the pups are adorable.

Sis, how are things in the (A)?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

Another day and no rain, man oh man! I hope that your day went well? I looked after Chris until Angelica arrived at 1:00pm. I then went to my medical class and it was a good class but it was just a refresher for me, a in-service.

I returned home and I rested up a bit. I made out a session chart to use when I introduce Bio-Touch to him. It is going to be very interesting. Elise went for a Bio-Touch session this evening. On her return we had soup, baby carrots, cheese slices, and thins for dinner. We got it all down with a nice fruit drink.

OK, I know that you are ready to hear about Bio-Touch so here you go.

I was going to post about it but I think I will send you to the website instead. So here you go., check it out.

Well, I had better get back to Chris. We are going on another stay-cation on Wednesday and we will return on Friday. We will be right here in Tucson at the La Paloma Resort,and we are looking forward to it let me tell you. Have a great evening.


Tiger,Marcie, Jet good night sisters.

Loraine, check out the Bio-Touch site.

Olivia, great to hear from you as always.

It's a Monday!

Good Morning

Mood: Relaxed

Music listening to: Hypnotic by Boney James

It's a Monday! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is still on the Bio-Touch table but she will snap to it as soon as she can to start her day. Any plans?

Well, we enjoyed our overnight at the Residence Inn thanks to my brother Herman. Elise and I completed the Bio-Touch course and it was very interesting. We both received our certificates for the course and I received 12 credit hours (CEU's) for continuing nursing education.

I will give more info about the class in my next post. I have to catch up on a few things prior to 1:00pm today. Angelica will be here then and I will attend a class on Blood Borne Pathogens for continuing nursing education that starts at 2:00pm. A busy day,eh?

We got a little bit of rain last just enough to dirty up the cars. We got plenty of wind though and that felt very good. We had a fantastic evening with Paula and Marty at Zemens and the trip downtown for ice cream was just great. A very nice evening, thank you Paula and Marty.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a good day and stay safe.

Tiger,Marcie, Jet have a good one.

Loraine, how are you?

Jane and John, what are you up to?

JT are you in California?

Paula and Marty,thank you for a wonderful evening.

Herman, thank you for the great rates that you always get for us.

Tangye, we spent some time with Courtney yesterday at the Residence Inn. It was good to see her again.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Weekend's Here!

Good Morning


Music listening to: Groovis by Rick Braun

It's the weekend! I started the day off at 5:20am looking in on Chris. Elise will be caring for Chris this morning until the caregiver arrives to take over. We will heading out on our stay-cation shortly at the Residence Inn here in Tucson.

We are also going to start our Bio-Touch class at 9:45am this morning. You have a wonderful day and enjoy the weekend.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

I hope that your day was a good one? Things went well here today. Chris saw his doctor and all is well. We still have not gotten any rain as of yet, and that is sad. Elise has her Marathon Bridge game today with no problems, even though she and her partner came in last place.

I through the T-bones on the grill and they were smelling up the neighborhood, smile. Elise fixed a baked potato, as salad and some black beans. The T-bones were great. I put a little lemon juice on mine and let me tell you I was in heaven. A little trick I picked up in Italy. We got it all down with a few glasses of red.

We watched season one of "Weeds" and it is a good show and very funny. Marv is here caring for Chris this evening. Elise has called it a night and she has hit the sheets to read a book. I am watching TV until Marv leaves for the night.

We are all packed and ready for our over night stay-cation at the Residence Inn. We are still going to attend the Bi0-Touch class over the next two days as well. On Sunday we will meet up with Paula and Marty at Zemems for dinner.

Well, I had better get myself a tall glass of cold water and get back to watching TV. Have a great night and a better tomorrow.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Herman , thanks again for your help. I will call you tomorrow.

Kecia, see you tomorrow.

It's Friday!! WooHoo!!

Good Morning

Mood: Content

Music listening to: Reunited

It's Friday. WooHoo! I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is still cloud jumping this morning looking for one with some rain in it. Any plans for today?

The coffee is good and hot and I am thinking scrambled eggs with cheese. I will be taking Chris to a routine doctors appointment this morning while Elise prepares for her hosting of a Marathon Bridge session here today.

Later in the evening I will be firing up the grill. I will throw on two T-bones to go along with the baked potatoes that Elise will prepare for dinner. I am sure that we will have plenty of cocktails or vino to go along with the meal. Marv will be here to care for Chris this evening.

We will be on our very short 1 day stay-cation tomorrow at the Residence Inn on the east side of Tucson. Thanks to my brother Herman and those great rates he gets for us. We will also be attending a Bio-Touch class for two days for certification. I will also apply for the (CEU's) continuing education credit hours for nursing to be included in my file. Should be interesting.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a good Friday and enjoy!


Tiger, Marcie, Jet let's wake up.

Jerome and Kesha, thank you so much for the pics. It brings back so many memories for me. Enjoy you weekend in Savanna.

Ross, good to hear from you.

Jane and John, enjoy the family visit.

Steph, how are you?

Joe and Mary, have a good weekend.

Paula and Marty, see you at Zemems.

Mary and Bob,have a good weekend.

Susie, how are things going?

Herman will give you a call tomorrow after we check in to the Residence Inn.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

Well, another Thursday had come to a close, and it has been a good one. Elise and I went to the DDC to pick up our perks and we got a Jack and Coke as soon as we entered the casino.

We tried out a few new slots and they were a lot of fun. We also played a few of our favorites slots as well. We only had a short time to spend there because we were going to the movies at 2:30pm to see "Larry Crowne" and it was very good.

We spent about $205.00 dollars in the casino and we won over $600.00 another good day at the casino , don't you think? We had a very nice time. After the movie we returned home and Elise fixed dinner.

We had red,white and blue tamales, with salsa, mild and very hot. We had jalapenos, refried beans, lettuce and tomatoes. We got it all down with a few cold cervezas. We watched a DVD with Helen Mirren and it was very good.

Elise just hit the sheets and she is reading a book.. I am watching TV until Rosemary leaves for the night. Then I will hit the sheets and read on my Kindle. It has been a pretty good day without any rain. Have a great evening and a better tomorrow.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Jane and John we enjoyed Larry Crowne and we will see Horrible Bosses soon.

Jerome and Kesha, thank you for the pics.

Then There Was One, Now There Are Two!!


I checked on the Hummer this morning I got a surprise.



Thirsty Thursday!!

Good Morning

Mood: Grateful

Music listening to: Just Be Good To Me

It's a Thirsty Thursday. I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is still in Hollywood enjoyed the music of that era. She will awaken as soon as she sees a disco ball rolling toward her and she will start her day. Any plans for today?

The coffee is good and I am out of donuts, and danish. So I will grab a Snicker doodle or two. I received an email this morning from one of our blog followers and she missed seeing a post this morning and she said that our blog was very important to her. Well, that was really nice and I really appreciated that and it started my day off on very cheerful and happy note, thank you so very much.

We are going to take Lampchop to the vet this morning for her annual wellness check up and she will get her rabies shot that is due as well. We may go to the movies this afternoon to see "Larry Crowne". Angelica will be here this morning to care for Chris and Rosemary will be here this afternoon.

We had a great time at the "Arizona Inn" last night. We had a fantastic dinner. We shared a Bordeaux, and a salad. Elise ordered a Shrimp and Quinoa pasta dish that was excellent. I ordered the Beef Tenderloin with little onion rings, mashed potatoes, and veggies. We shared a trio of sorbets and wow they were good. It was strawberry, peach, and ginger cappuccino. Delicious! We also had coffee to finish off the meal.

We walked around the Inn prior to getting seated for the show, it is a very interesting place. We had reserved seating for the show due to we had dinner there. We were at table number two right in front of the stage, great seat. The show was titled "Let's Go To The Movies" with Lisa Otey, Betsy Krause Craig, Jack Newbeck and Stuart Moulton, it was great. We each had a glass of red while we watched the show. A wonderful evening indeed. It was a tribute to the greatest cinema music. The magic of the silver screen!

We returned home and I checked on Chris and we called it a night. Well, I had better get to it. Have a great day all.


Tiger, Marcie have a good one. Tiger enjoy the Wild Women CD.

Mary,thank you again for the wonderful comment about our blog.

Herman, we will contact you after we check into the Residence Inn on Saturday.
I will call to check on the reservation today.

Loraine, how are you? Yes, I was feeling crappy yesterday but I am slowly getting less crappy today, smile. Hey,Montana Ave closes on the 15th of August.

Steph, how are you doing?

Jane and John, what are you up to?

Flo and John, have a good one.

JT, you need to contact me.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another Hump Day

Good Morning

Mood: Crappy

Music listening to: My,My,My by Johnny Gill

It's a Hump Day! I started the day off at 5:ooam caring for Chris. Elise is still banging on clouds trying to get the rain started again here in the Old Pueblo. As soon as she hits a patch of lightening she will awake and start her day. Any plans?

I am enjoying a hot cup of coffee with a apple danish, it is very good. I have to run a errand or two sometime today. Maybe I will get it done after Rosemary arrives this afternoon to care for Chris. I am feeling a bit (Crappy) his morning and I hope that my attitude changes very soon.

Elise and I are going to have dinner this evening at the "Arizona Inn" followed by a show sponsored by the Invisible Theatre". We are looking forward to it, and it should be a good one. Well,I had better get busy with Chris and get this day moving along. Enjoy your Hump Day!

Chin chin...............

Tiger,Marcie wake up.

Tamika, glad to hear that you enjoyed Jerome and Keshias visit.

Erika, yes we saw the movie " Bad Teacher" it was very funny.

Shoo Shoo, enjoy your trip.

Jane and John, have a good day.

JT, when are you leaving for California? Contact me prior to your leaving.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

The day has come to an end and no rain in sight. Not good at all! I rested most of the day and I even took a short nap while Angelica was here caring for Chris.

I guess I needed the rest badly. Elise prepared breakfast for dinner. We had sausages, french toast and hot coffee. What a treat. I am really hooked on my Kindle. I read every night and when I get a break during the day.

Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a great evening.

Tiger,Marcie good night.

Kecia, good to hear from you today.

Herman, thank you for looking over our Family Tree Draft.


Good Morning

Mood: Chillin

Music listening to: Unchain My Heart by Toni Braxton

It's drying up in the Old Pueblo! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is still in her mummy like state this morning, covered up with a pillow over her face. I will see if I can locate a cat to get her day started this morning, smile. Any plans for today?

Elise and Chris will be getting a massage this morning instead of tomorrow. Angelica will be here to care for Chris this morning. I usually head out for the DDC to pick up our perks but I will do that later in the week. Our monsoon has fizzled and we are not supposed to get anymore rain until Sunday. What is going on?

The coffee is good this morning and I am looking at a fruit pastry that Elise got for me. Well, I had better get this day rolling. Have a good day and be careful out there. The above photos are of Chris giving Elise a hard time while she was cutting his hair on Sunday. And the other is of the mother hummingbird tending to her egg. Amazing creatures!


Tiger, Marcie have a good one.

Rosie, you are on a roll again.

Shoo Shoo, what is new?

Liz, Elise is addicted to Bejeweled 3.

Loraine, have a good day.

Herman, we will be giving you a call after we check into the Residence Inn this Saturday.

Olivia, how are you doing today?


Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, Mood: Content! Music listening to:  Serpentine a Book on CD! Buon Domenica!  How are you doing? It is a cold, ...