Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thirsty Thursday

Good Morning

Mood: Slow and Easy

Music listening to: Saturday Love

How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is still curled up this morning but she will be bouncing around shortly. Any plans for today? No plans here so far.

Angelica will be here this morning to care for Chris. We went to the Loft yesterday to see the movie "Incendies" a spectacular mystery about the will to survive. I am on my second cup of coffee already and I am thinking about a grilled ham and cheese.

We devoured our dinner last night, even Rosemary enjoyed it. We ate our greens melody that consisted of collards, mustard, spinach, kale and ham. Elise fixed some cornbread and we pigged out. A little dash of cider vinegar on the greens and a couple glasses of red and we were set. The kale was grown in the community garden and was delivered to us by our neighbors Meg and Lois. While we were eating dinner we watched a movie staring Helen Mirren that was excellent, she is Elise's favorite actor.

I am going to throw some thick pork chops on the grill this evening for dinner and Elise will toss a couple of yams in the oven to go along with them. We will watch another Helen Mirren DVD this evening. This one will be about King Henry III a comedy,it should be very good.

Well, I have all of my things layed out for our trip to Seattle, and Elise is all packed and ready to go. Well, I had better get busy with Chris. He and Elise will be getting a massage this morning from Pam. Have a great Thursday.


Marcie, Jet let go of those pillows.

Loraine, the banana pudding bread was excellent. As a matter of fact I am going to devour the last of it today with a little milk on it and a dash or two of Jack on it. Yes, Jack goes well with banana pudding bread.

Rosie, how are you?

Jane and John, have a good day.

Shoo Shoo, be careful today.

I will keep you informed about Elise's MRI that she will receive this afternoon for her lower back pain.

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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How are you doing so far on this Domenica? Hey, the wind is starting to pick up. What is up with that? We have some snow on...