Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hump Day and Hot Still!!

Good Morning

Mood: We live in a volcano!

Music listening to: Bad Mama Jama by Carl Carlton

It's Hump Day!! How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is starting to melt and flow like lava this morning but she will meld as soon as starts her day. As I was heading toward Chris's house this morning I was approached by two lizards in the backyard. The were following me as I headed toward Chris's front door. I turned around and one of them said " Excuse me but can we come in for a while it is dreadfully hot out here". Any plans for today?

We got a lot of wind last night and I thought to myself that rain cannot be to far behind, but I was wrong. Chris will be visited by his favorite case manager Jeanne this morning, so I will have to get him ready for his arm wrestling match with her.

This evening we are going out for dinner at "The Lodge On The Desert" and after that we are going to go "The Arizona Inn' to listen to a local singer and of course some vino will be involved, smile. It is put on by "The Invisible Theatre". Man it is hot! It is 5:30am and it is 86 degrees right now.

Well, I had better get busy and get this day started. Have a good Hump Day. If you have some rain to spare please send it our way, we will be forever grateful.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good one.

Loraine, what are you up to?

JT, thanks for the letter.

Steph, how are you?

Shoo Shoo, hope to see you this evening.

Rosie, how are you?

Ross, did you have another donut this morning? I did!

Flo and John, I hope that you get to get away soon to relax.

Sis, how are things in the (A)?

1 comment:

Loraine said...

So did you let them inside? Least you could do for lizards with Brit accents. (=:

I haven't been to Lodge on the Desert for years. Anxious to hear how the food is.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How are you doing so far on this Domenica? Hey, the wind is starting to pick up. What is up with that? We have some snow on...