Monday, August 9, 2010

Good Night

Good Night

How did your day go? It has been a typical Monday and it had a few problems and concerns. I got my errands ran and I got the car serviced and they wanted to do some other things but I said no that they were not needed at this time. Remember it is a Monday!!

Chris and I relaxed and we worked on a crossword puzzle until we got stuck. Elise prepared a nice dinner this evening. We had corn on the cob, little potatoes, tomatoes, and carrots. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at her Mom's.

Well, I had better get back to Chris he is laughing up a storm for some reason. Have a good night and a better day tomorrow.


Good Night Jeanne, sorry I missed you when I called today.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a nice evening.

Herman, thank you again for helping us make our plans for the next stay-cation and vacation.

Sandy, how are you feeling?

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Buongiorno! THANK YOU, DONNA, Mood: Content! Music listening to:  Troublemaker a Book on CD! Buon Giovedi!  Sete Giovedi!  Thirsty Thursday!...