Monday, April 26, 2010

Good Night

Good Night,

Today has been a very good day for a Monday that is, smile. Chris and I rested and relaxed and we spent a lot of time outdoors in the 89 degree heat. I was all over the hammock and the dogs tried to join me.

I got my weeding work done and we will see how long that will last. Elise prepared a nice dinner this evening. We had soup, carrots, tomatoes, cottage cheese, bread and and Swiss cheese. A very good dinner.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at her Mum's. Tomorrow is going to be a back breaker. We are going to help Rosemary move some furniture into her new house. I may have to have a shot of Jack prior to getting started, smile.

Well, you have a good night and a better tomorrow.


Good Night Jeanne.

Loraine, you have a grand evening.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet, sleep well.

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Is that Ray somethin' or what!?!! Love his music.

Buon Pomeriggio!

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