Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Breezy Tuesday!

Good Morning,

Mood: Dragging

Music listening to: You Can Feel It All Over by Stevie Wonder

How are you? I started the day off at 5:35am caring for Chris. Elise is up and out getting her workout in for today. It is a bit breezy this morning and the chimes are going at it.

I was awakened by a very large noise at about 1:00am this morning and I believe it was a car wreck on Pima Street not to far away. After the sound I heard many sirens going and then the dogs were in good form. I got up and I turned on the scanner to hear what was going on. It was confirmed that something has happened on Pima St. Next the sirens were going again and I heard on the scanner that they were transporting to University Medical Center. Well, it took me a while to get back to sleep and that is why I am dragging this morning.

The coffee is helping though, smile. We are going to help Rosemary move furniture today while Kecia is here caring for Chris. I am also filling more tee-shirt orders today as well. Well, I had better get back to Chris and get him settled for Kecia. Have a great day and be happy.


Good Morning Jeanne.

Susie, what a surprise I got this morning when I checked my email. Thank you so very much for the great birthday cards for my upcoming day. I too wish you were here to celebrate with me. I am at a loss for words, you are a dear.

Tiger, Marcie, Jet,let's get this day rolling sisters.

Loraine, hey I got your comment on the blog but which Ray are we talking about?

Flo and John, have a good one.

Shirlene, thank you for checking out our tee line.


Loraine said...

Charles!!! (=:

Jessie said...

Got it Loraine, you are a musical genius indeed. I love Ray Charles music.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! Are you still freezing desert dwellers? I know that I am. Brrrr! This cold snap is supposed to last a few more days. I have...