Sunday, December 22, 2024




How are you doing? We just got back from enjoying a good breakfast at the "Egg Connection". 

We decided to pay it forward this morning. We purchased a breakfast for a homeless young lady who was standing outside of the "Egg Connection". We have paid it forward for her at "Leo's" a few months back. We are blessed to be able to do that and it made her happy.

We are glad that our "Chiefs" won yesterday and that makes them 14 and 1. Woohoo! There are tons of football games on today to include my homies the Detroit Lions. Go Lions! Go Cardinals!

We be out and about today with various things we have to get done. I believe I will have to (DVR) the football games.

Our niece is back at home in Tempe recovering from her abdominal surgery. We are waiting to hear more from her and what she needs.

All of the gifts have been placed under the tree. Here take a look.


My Sous Chef and I are preparing our recipe for our Christmas dinner. We will prepare "Prime Rib" with baked potatoes and sweet peas and of course we will have some real horseradish to clear our eyes and sinuses. Yummy!

Here is my latest rock creation. Enjoy! My playmate is almost finished with her latest.


On the 24th of December is my shorty's birthday and we are looking forward to that. This Christmas will not be the same without Chris and Sorella Jayne here to celebrate with us.  It has been a rough few months for us. We are taking things one day at a time.

We are in the planning stage for a cruise to the Panama Canal in the near future and we are also planning a road trip to the Midwest area.

Well, I had better get this day moving on. Have a good Domenica. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

As many of you know I am a Certified Life Coach. I have learned so many things just by listening and watching people. One of my favorite new learned skills is I have noticed when people think that they know it all and think they have a lot of wisdom and bring it forward, that they know the least. I love this and I see it every day. I am not a talker, but I am a listener and an observer I find out about who you are by not saying a word.

Today's challenge word is (campana). The (campana) is ringing loudly in my head today. Does your (campana) ring often fidanzata?

Ciao...Jessie and Elise



JT said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. E una Domenica fredda.

"Se sei vivo, c'e uno scopo per la tua vita".
Rick Warren

Anonymous said...

Love to you both♥️🎄♥️I’m most likely one of the “Know it All’s”♥️🎄♥️I have no problem saying what I think not that it is always right😹🎄😹♥️

Loraine said...

Non ho sentito la campana di Natale, ma continuerò ad ascoltare. Mi è sembrato di aver sentito Babbo Natale chiamare ieri sera. Forse era solo il mio vicino. Lui urla molto alle galline e alle oche.

I due giorni più importanti della tua vita sono il giorno in cui sei nato e il giorno in cui scopri perché.” – Mark Twain

JT said...

I love that quote fidanzata. Grazie


Buongiorno! Mood: Content! Music listening to: A Good Night by the Black-eyed Peas! Buon Martedi!  Taco Tuesday!  How are you? It is a cold,...